Distribution of Relief Materials: PDP / Arowele Fires Back ; Describes Adelegbe and APC As The Worst Nightmares Of Ose Constituents

We read with bewilderment the rejoinder to our publication on the proposed distribution of relief materials to victims of herdsmen's attacks in Ose suburban towns, villages and camps  by Hon. Adelegbe ,which PDP and Rt. Hon. Arowele described as a show of shame; a graphic demonstration of insensitivity and a Greek's gift to the traumatized individuals and families now on asylum far away from their homes ( that are now razed down, plundered and deserted).

In the first publication credited to Hon. Timehin Adelegbe by his  media aide, it was  announced to the general public that he ( Hon. Adelegbe) has attracted the attention of the federal government through National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) by facilitating the relief materials to be shared to the victims of the dastardly act of inhumanity of man to man in Ose LGA.  Adelegbe also openly admitted that the victims of such ugly brutalization by the herders had deserted their ancestral homes to take refuge in the neighbouring communities or to have  travelled far away from the LGA

This is a fact , and we wrote to corroborate it as the relief materials have outlived his usefulness.

It was evidently clear too that the attackers are at large without bringing anyone to book by the government for the catastrophe fomented.This should be the responsibility of the government which our parliamentarian is an integral part.  The sanctity of life is made sacred in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and it is also a constitutional obligation of the government at all levels to provide security, protect lives and property of the citizens. In the same vein, the welfare of the citizens especially the victims therefore become very critical and essential to the extent that government should care for those displaced and cater for those made homeless as well as those whose means of livelihood were utterly destroyed without any delay.

The government just as Hon. Adelegbe failed has indeed failed woefully in its constitutional duty to its citizens. Our representative even lost his voice throughout the most critical  moment when he was needed the most defend his people.

It's very fallacious, malicious and heartbreaking for a representative who does not understand legislative procedures nor  his rights and privileges to act irresponsibly when in actual fact he should stand firm to protect his constituents. Instead he chose to  address burning issues raised in our publication with rancour by living the substance but decide to attack the PDP as a sinking ship and the person of Hon. Arowele as a man that is disturbed by his popularity.  This is worrisome and greatly disgusting knowing that APC,his ( Adelegbe's) party is a party of wolves, vampires and power usurpers whose stock in trade majorly is to hijack power and wickedly suck our blood and put the entire citizenry and the nation through untold stories of pains and anguish.

Just like Ose under Adelegbe's watch in Owo/Ose Federal Constituency can be described as our own Sambisa Forest even with the reported fresh attack on the affected communities as reported by roving news ,an online daily.Nigeria as a nation is a hell and a dungeon that can be aptly described now as a theatre of wars and a hotbed of crimes as well as poverty capital of the world where life is nasty , brutish, meaningless and Short.  Nigeria chapter by verse from Abia to Zamfara ( A-Z) is already  taken over by marauders , kidnappers and notorious insurgents who daily pillage our land and plunder our territory with impunity as if our nation is another Syria.

The responsibility of our legislator is to cry out at the floor of the Nation Assembly to the entire world so as to draw attention of the federal government and the international communities to the calamity that befell her constituents with the holocaust of June 5 in Owo. He failed woefully , and his voice was totally lost when he had the opportunity to put the federal government on its knees for failing his people and constituency. One once  saw Smart Adeyemi sometimes wailing bitterly and weeping sorrowfully on the floor of the National Assembly that APC had failed Nigerians by making even the lawmakers unable to visit their constituencies . This position was corroborated by other parliamentarians and statesmen and chiefly the Chief Security Officer of Ondo State,HE, Arakunrin Akeredolu, SAN recently first at St. Francis Catholic Church and at Western Plus Event Centre during the mass burial of the slain congregants during the ill-fated massacre at Owo. 

This incident could have given our representative a ground to attract attention and sympathy if he had painted the gory scene of the horrendous catastrophe, daily kidnapping and the unfortunate raid of his communities as well as the murder of Olufon,a first class monarch by yet unidentified gunmen  still at large.

Adelegbe failed woefully as true representation is not all about bread and butter but to protect sanctity of life; provide security and peaceful environment that shall guarantee the comfort and welfare of the constituents.

Today it's very disastrous to know that Owo-Benin Expressway is a nightmare as most Ose people have abandoned their country-home for fear of their lives. Adelegbe leadership  and APC under the watch of President Mohammadu Buhari is a government with draconian legislations without any regard for the welfare of the citizens but care for cows just like Adelegbe that cares much about his hotel more than the welfare of his constituents.

The insensitivity of APC and Adelegbe is seen clearly already without any crystal ball. If a government through National Emergency Management Agency can just be providing relief materials after many months of mindless plundering of Ose communities and villages, one does not need to know that the government that parades army of strange bedfellows in a marriage of political inconvenience called APC is a wicked administration from the pit of hell with the hearts of Lucifer. 

Hon. Adelegbe swore an oath of allegiance to defend and protect the interests of his constituents in Owo/Ose Federal Constituency. What has he done to this oath? He loathes his people and decides to deny them dividends of democracy as it were. Instead he corners the Constituency Management Fund of #10 million per month for 43 months now and the regular constituency allowance meant for the people of Owo/Ose Federal Constituency but feeds the people only with facilitated projects through ministries, agencies and commissions. We shall be very reluctant to believe such a man who made one Mr Bello , a Kwara-born man his Senior Legislative Assistant  ,a position meant for someone in his constituency until three months ago when he bowed to pressure and upon relieving him appointed one Mr Bobade to replace him. 

The PDP as a party has put forward a formidable candidate whose popularity and general acceptability are sending jittery to Adelegbe's camp and the entire APC in Owo and Ose LGAs. We notice too that Hon. Adelegbe has been running from pillar to post to double his efforts at making cosmetic political surgery to cover his wrongs and flaws . However ,our people are wiser,they cannot be deceived like in 2015 and 2019 especially now that our people wallow daily in the aqua of excruciating pains put on their heads and shoulders through inadequacies of the AP-led administration seen in economic woes with hyper-galloping inflation , cluelessness and anarchy characterized by insecurity challenges , regional cleavages , political distortions, religious bigotry and social dislocations.

For us, Adelegbe is a square peg in a round hole. He is the worst representation of our people considering his pathological lies, unbridled propagandas and orchestrated skill of deceit that often set leadership of various communities against themselves.

Arowele as a House of Assembly candidate in his 100:days in office between 2011 through 2019 provided cars and other materials like sowing machines , motorcycles and other tools as empowerment materials for the people of Owo Constituency I. He provided job for both  skilled and unskilled labours aside rehabilitation and provision of infrastructure like hospitals, schools, Market stalls, boreholes, transformers,computer school and credit facilities for market women and artisans just like notebooks and bursaries for students and empowerment for rural farmers to mention but just a few of his antecedents. 

Contrary to the claims of Adelegbe and his media team, if anyone is afraid , it's Adelegbe and never Arowele. The election is decided already as the people have chosen PDP and Arowele wisely over APC and Adelegbe in Owo/Ose Federal Constituency considering the hardship in the land inflicted by sharing inducement at the polling units by directly pilfering from our national treasury.. 

We are not playing to the gallery but speaking with facts and figures. It would only be a thing in the figment of the imagination of APC, Adelegbe and his media team and supporters to still believe in a man who already is losing his ground daily will ever defeat our principal(Arowele) who is battle ready to win the election with a landslide margin. By February 2023, we shall prove to the entire world that our meat is fatty by the oil of victory that heat of elections shall provide for both  Arowele.and all PDP candidates.

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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