Proposed Distribution of Relief Materials To Victims of Herdsmen's Attack In Ose LGA ; The Height of Wickedness By Hon. Timehin Adelegbe And A Government Without A Human Face~ Says Arowele &PDP

It is appalling and  disturbing that the victims of the most painful attacks on most communities of Ose LGA like Omalege, Arimogija ,Ute ,Imoru , Okeluse and  Imoru majorly are just receiving attention from the the lawmaker, Hon. Timehin Adelegbe representing Owo and Ose LGAs in the National Assembly almost a year after the unfortunate disaster.

It's heartbreaking and very unfortunate.

Regrettably to all, some communities were completely burnt down and the unfortunate victims who are residents of these affected communities have since then run for their lives seeking refuge in the neighbouring communities. It's now very disappointing that those victims who are indeed traumatized by the attack and made homeless and helpless are now remembered after almost a year of untold anguish with relief materials that are politically motivated.. How do we described this succuor facilitated through National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) ,an Agency of the Federal Government under APC without a human face.

This act can only be described as a belated gesture or a Greek's gift to deceive the people of the affected areas after a show of shame through lacklustre performance and representation at the Green Chamber by a man who ,if not for his second term ambition gotten through imposition and armed-twisting, would have completely forgotten and abandoned the victims. 

Dragging our distinguished Royal fathers and distinguished people of Ose LGA into this unfortunate political jamboree and shenanigan aimed at currying favour of the hapless victims in another communities away from their homes to still a political show by Hon. Timehin Adelegbe is indeed the height of insincerity , humiliation and disrespect for the people of the great people of Ose LGA. That this is coming during yuletide season and few months to the general elections is indeed a very worrisome and a great cause for concern noting that a first-class monarch, the revered Olufom of Ifon ,Late Oba Adeusi was slain by  assassins  yet unidentified along Owo-Benin Expressway that has today become the den of kidnappers and marauders under their watch.

It's also very painful that the irresponsive act of the federal lawmaker was brought to the general public recently by his unceremonious display of incompetence on the floor of the National Assembly when he read a prepared letter without attendant emotional fringe on the deadliest St. Francis Massacre , the deadliest holocaust on the people he is representing in the first instance and in the history of Owo/Ose Federal Constituency since its creation. This planned distribution of release materials is indeed a clearer testament that both Adelegbe and APC under President Buhari is heartless and wicked to the entire citizens after inviting security challenges and anarchy on the people he swore an oath to serve, defend and protect.

The PDP family in the federal constituency and its candidate for the federal constituency, Hon. Arowele on a Campaign Tour to Ose LGA recently were disappointed by the lack of presence of the lawmaker in his local government especially Okeluse his hometown. The people of Okeluse just like others in the other communities of Irekari and Ekamarun Zones trooped out in their large numbers forgetting the APC candidates to receive Akogun Adetokunbo Modupe, the Senatorial Candidate for Ondo North; Rt. Hon. Ayo Arowele for Reps :and Hon. Saporu Olumide for Ose State Constituency. This ,to us, is an evidence of rejection of the APC candidates especially Adelegbe and his party that has plunged Nigeria into unfortunate and avoidable anomies.

The PDP family through Arowele Campaign Organization therefore appeal to the entire good people of Ose LGA never to allow themselves to be hoodwinked once again by political power mongers and social lepers on the corridors of power who are on the rampage to get votes from them through deceit and manipulation. 

To us in the PDP , we have pledged  before man and God that the PDP especially through Hon. Saporu ,Rt. Hon. Arowele and Akogun Adetokunbo Modupe and chiefly our presidential candidate, Alh. Atiku Abubarka will bring dividends of democracy to the doorsteps of the good people of Ose LGA after their victories in the coming 2023 general elections .

However, we challenge the good people of Ose LGA to demand from the APC especially Hon. Timehin Adelegbe the identities of notorious individuals often described as unknown gun men who were behind the murder of our revered Olufon, the villages that were burnt down and victims maimed or displayed or killed , and several unlucky people kidnapped as well as hundreds of people made to live with nightmares.

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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