Celebrate With Moderation As The Birth Of Christ Preaches Humility Advises Arowele , Former Deputy Speaker

As the entire world today celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ,the Son of Holy Mary , the PDP candidate for Owo Ose Federal Constituency in 2023 and former Deputy Speaker , Ondo State House of Assemby, Rt. Hon. Ayodeji Samuel Arowele has admonished the people and the PDP families in the sunshine state especially in Owo and Ose LGAs to demonstrate humility and humbleness that the birth of Christ reflects.

In a Christmas Season's Message personally signed by the seasoned lawmaker and made available to Abejoye Media, he reminded all that Christ was born in the manger. He therefore appealed to the people especially christians not excluding their Muslim counterparts to celebrate with moderation Jesus Christ is a perfect example of prudency and charity.

"We must use this season of celebrations to remember the underprivileged and the vulnerable among us as our happiness must be mutual exclusive.Let us show love,charity and be our brother's keepers."

Reminding the people of their evolution, he said," From nothingness we come and God's treasures are often found in the pit where they are not quickly recognized."

Finally he extended his best regards to the people in this yuletide season while  invoking the host of Heavens to bless them with plenty and peace to enjoy the joyful tidings that Christmas heralds.  

In his message, Arowele lamented the present state of the nation while challenging President Muhammadu Buhari and those on the corridors of power at all levels to help redeem Nigeria's image and bring her back on the path of honour, purpose and greatness by addressing frontally the poverty in the land.

Ayodeji urges Nigerians to also evolve a new positive attitude capable of resetting leadership and the nation by shunning violence and eschewing bitterness especially now that 2023 general elections draw nearer. 

" Nigeria is already plunged into the swallows and anarchy characterized by insecurity challenges. I urge all concerned citizens particularly all devoted Christians to use this season to pray for the country while wishing them merry Christmas and happy new year in advance ."

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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