Agbelesebioba Is Plus One :A Living Legend Blessed With A Large Heart ; A Colossus Created To Illuminate A Generation

Today is the remembrance of that day that this icon and enigma tasted his first breath. His birth certificated then a Regime of uncommon COURAGE and Audacity of Hope. He is, by his phenomenal entrance into the empyrean envelope ,a gate keeper of expectancy and the new-found door of refresh hope for permanence. 
The Agbelesebiobas and our Royal Fathers

Happy birthday to a  General of Humanity with an army of good Samaritans and Giant Soul Savers as team players. Age gracefully Sir !

Oluwafunso he was christened consciously by her mother ,an Epitome of Womanhood who was apprehensive for her huge but severally truncated laborious investment in child bearing.

Agbelesebioba and Yeye Agbelesebioba of Emure-Ile Kingdom

The birth of Funso was therefore an experience in fate and faith. Pretty heartwarming, he grew with grace and mercy not without a conscious nursing and nurturing with greater concern bordering on anxiety hold forth by blind courage and undiluted  supplications soaked in momentary apprehension...

To Late Mama Sussanah Ogunla, her mother, Funso was like an egg as he has with himself a grace to permanently break her mother's jinx around the challenges of stillbirth. He is a great dossier for a resounding breakthrough and a future well established in prophecy. He came after Oluwarotimi , a child seen in the light of a comforter!

Our duty is to felicitate with you and celebrate with you as you celebrate your birthday anniversary at 60. To us in Emure-Ile , you are a blessing in disguise being the new face of a modern kingdom. Your footprints as seen on the sands of time pointed vividly to the fact that you are the harbinger and architect of the ongoing digital philanthropy and more prosperous community in our Rainbow Project.

You donated the most beautiful and well-equipped Police Divisional Headquarters in the entire sunshine state. This project has indeed stemmed down the tide of crimes and provide internal security for our good people especially now that the nation is wallowing in the aqua of mindless in security.

Your devotion to the welfare of the downtrodden and the sick was contagious and apparently touching. The donation of a thoroughly-equipped Sickle Cell Centre at the Federal Medical Centre,Owo is another mind-blowing project that received your innermost conviction as a succour to the under-privileged and the forsaken. As a hope to the hopeless, your work here is magnum Opus! 

Your investment in Emure-Ile Kingdom Project is extremely huge and of greater importance. You started with the annual investment in our youth carnival as a convictionist and a future seer. You broke the jinx for our accelerated youth development with an incurable enthusiasm.Today,by looking back,you can proudly say that to God Almighty alone be the glory for what he has used you to achieve: A solid foundation for a greater tomorrow.

Aare Atuwase,Oliyere and Yeye Atuwase

Your hands are clearly seen in the celebration of Emure-Ile Day 2017 apart from your helping hands in housing the Chief Magistrate of the Magistrate Court in Emure-Ile. Honestly you have indeed showcased a rare commitment to our revolutionary transformation and at its centre you have remained a critical stakeholder. Our gratitude is extended Sir as our indebtedness knows no bound. 

You investment in humanity and human capital development is phenomenal. We are a living proof to your magnanimity and compassionate passion for human capacity building. To our youth in various leadership positions beyond the shores of the kingdom,you have indeed etched your names in gold by your worthy contributions to humanity as a great ambassador of the kingdom.

Your incurable enthusiasm and unconquerable vision to great Dubai out of the kingdom was first noticed at Shasha Market. Although it was a collective dream smeared by unhealthy rivalry of a neighbouring community,yet your your footprints is indeed coming to the fore with the ongoing erection of a modern event center, a filling station with a mall , and many chalets for travellers. This is a rocket dream in belly of Emure-Ile factored into her creation by her founding fathers ,our great ancestors! 

The Agbelesebiobas and Elemure / his Oloris

The above subject has further pushed a nodal Rainbow City around Emure-Ile Junction as the hub of the architected Dubai in the kingdom.With the emerging banking revolutional change through your donation of a new generational bank now almost completed, the junction is set to create a conspicuous confluence of influence for Emure-Ile and the entire local government area.

Your visionary leadership and quality digital marketing strategy has indeed responsible for the location of the Produce Office beside TonySix Filling station and directly opposite the bank you are about to donate to the community. Considering the chain of market and business activities around the Emure-Ile Junction with proximity to Shasha Market, a new kingdom with business potentials is in the pipeline..

Hopefully you have helped construct the foundation of a new infrastructural revolution and generational leadership. This is apparently visible to the blind, audible to the deaf and speakable for the dump.

This birthday celebration is to appreciate you for your unprecedented giant strides to keep Emure-Ile in the global geometry of reckoning. With your massive investment in our total welfare and the entire positive transformation of Emure-Ile , you deserve our expression of gratitude. 

As our ambassador at the global stage, we are more appreciative of the honour done us all by placing Emure-Ile on a global map as a place of pride . Among the comity of Communities especially in Ondo State , Emure-Ile has become a town on the hill that cannot be hidden.

Your achitectural edifice in the kingdom is a cynosure of all eyes and expression of her cosmopolitan status. It has invariably rejig the kingdom and open door for the new Paris in our region. Through you and by you, Emure-Ile Kingdom has enjoyed a new phase of expansion through Ajegunle Quarters .

The electrification of Ajegunle Quarter coupled with the procurement and installation of quality transformer in the Quarter was done by you as one of the eloquent testaments of your humanitarian gestures . Other philanthropic strides are too numerous to mention. In short, we are extremely delighted to have you as an illustrious son. 

Your family especially your jewel of inestimable value is bundle of blessings and a testimony of grace for you and to us all . Our Yeye Agbelesebioba ,Ch. ( Mrs) Yemi Ogunla ,apart from being a great portrait of humility and compassionate character,she is also a paragon of beauty, sobriety, perspicacity and substance. She remains a sterling epitome of an ideal wife a worthy mother and leader. We celebrate her by thanking her for her unparalleled contributions to your magnanimity and giant humanitarian strides. The best time to thank her is but now when the whole world is celebrating you and felicitating with you..

Your wonderful and lovely children , judging from their humbleness and amiable meekness, could be described as our worthy future ambassadors being pillars of support for your investment of labour and labour of love in our transformation geometry. They have shown readiness to flight the drone of accelerated Community Transformation Agenda on our hands. Surely the recent awards given to honour your daughter by the foremost youth forum in Emure-Ile remains another sterling eloquent testimony to their perch for laying good and enviable legacies for a greater tomorrow. We use this ocassion to thank them exceedingly for the deepest love and support keen shown and sowed in our Rainbow Project. 

Sure, as chieftancy title holder in Owo Kingdom and Iyereland as Adafen Gbadegun and Aare Atuwase respectively with your numerous awards as a philanthropist, xommunity development advocate, a bridge builder and youth development enthusiast, you have again etched your names on the golden door of history. Your calmness, collectedness, comportment, composure,carriage , charisma and meekness are critically the greatest attributes that have singled you out for honour and decoration beyond your opulence locked in your destiny.

Our gratitude is full for the grace shared with you and honour enjoyed from your mercurial aura . 'Thank you so much' remains our eloquence in the face overwhelming conviction for the great things you have done for us all and our kingdom.

Our prayers are many but single : A continual multiple blessings for you and your household and the Grace of wellness and usefulness to further lay a solid and golden legacies that will speak to the world after a pretty long, lasting and useful life of peace and plenty. May God Almighty give you the strength to enjoy your hand work , and the wisdom to differentiate between  bad and good

Congratulations once again as you celebrate your natal anniversary. Many happy returns of the day to you Sire. 

Cheers and Shalom !!

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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