My Views On Emefiele's Presidential Ambbition,~Tolu Babaleye

There is all sorts of indiscipline, decadence and "anything goes" going on under Buhari's Presidency. It is like a government of simpleton where anyone in governmentcan do whatever he likes as if the President cannot control his cabinet. Otherwise, how can the President be comfortably watching the Central Bank Governor abandoning his primary duty of regulating the fiscal policy of Nigeria to contesting political office in this era of free fall of Naira to ordinary Cefa. (Cotonou money).

Is Emefiele a Politician? When did he join APC? Does it mean that the CBN Governor who ought to be neutral has codedly become a member of APC at the detriment of Nigeria?

What difference will a CBN Governor with the worst record in history make? A CBN Governor who cannot maintain stability of Nigeria Naira against other World currencies for only one week and against an ordinary Abokiexpress online, what is he bringing to the table if he becomes the President of Nigeria? Anyway, I cannot blame him because he, like others are only capitalising on the weakness of Mr. President who seems not to have supervisory ability over his appointee as critical as CBN Governor. 

No serious country in the World will take a country whose CBN Governor is a Politician serious as he will be distracted. No wonder the CBN granted so many Agric loans that are not recoverable and have become bad debts, our CBN Governor must have told them not to bother to pay since such loans are political patronages to politicians whom he must have beenusing CBN resources to oil. 

The entry of Emefiele into Presidential race is a bad omen for the system as it will not encourage professionalism required of such a strategic and all important office of CBN Governor.

I wish to call on President Buhari to look at Nigeria beyond APC and partisan politicking and call Emefiele to order to stop this nonesense even though his joining APC will be an advantage sort of politically to APC.

The President should be a Stateman and remove Emefiele from office if he refuses to resign from office forthwith first before joining politics and if he must run otherwise history may not be kind to Mr. President for all these confusions and for tolerating all the nonesense going on everywhere in the Country under his watch. I am an APC member but this is beyond party politics and loyalty as I believe in what is good for the country and which is the best practice in the World over. 

I am TOLU BABALEYE ESQ writing from the Office of the Citizens. 

2nd April, 2022.

Bob-The WordSmith

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