Ijalana Consolidates His Spade Works,Meets Statutory Delegates Ahead Of Party Primary

Barring all unforseen circumstances, the much awaited primary for all aspirants irrespective of political parties shall hold between May and June this year.

As a result of the foregoing circumstance, the meek, gentle and humble Hon. Olabode Ijalana this Monday met with the statutory delegates in his Owo Constituency (I) where he is vying for the coveted elective position of Member, House of Assemby.

Previously before picking his Expression of Interest and Nomination Forms  today at the party Secretariat ,Alagbaka Akure, the iconic aspirant and astute politician had meet with the statutory delegates comprising of all ward Chairmen  and their Vice-Chairmen, Secretary, Youth Leaders and Women Leaders and some local government Executive Officers of Ehin-Ogbe, Igboroko I, Igboroko 2, Iloro and Ipenmen/Isuada/Idasen/ Obsooto wards in his constituency to further seek their support for his House of Assemby ambition. While interacting with them , Olabode reminded them painstakingly,"I have come to you to let you know the importance of the battle before us. It's an Herculean task that shall require our collective signatures in the arena of sand, dust ,sweat and blood. If victory must be ascertained,we must wisely choose a general who understands the terrain to lead the battle. So,I offer myself having concluded in my mind to take your resolute resolve to the front burners against all odds . "

He stressed further," I have come to you with integrity and honour of my name. I know the measure of this great battle,and prepared I'm to to lead as selflessly as I can. I therefore urge you all to join forces with me and other stakeholders and opinion leaders outside there among the electorates to rescue Nigeria." "Where we currently find ourselves is most unfortunate; it's regrettably worrisome, heartbreaking and disturbing. Unless we join our efforts with concerned others,we may still maintain our perennial predicaments or vicious circles."

He then promised forthright and purposeful leadership and quality representation if elected MHA. "Support me , and you will never ever be disappointed."

Some of the critical stakeholders applauded his kind gesture and the bold steps taken as a tactician and strategist. According to few party Executive Committee members that spoke at the meeting, Olabode was appreciated for honouring them with recognition which the meeting had provided. They pledged on behalf of others to support him at the appropriate time more than they have done previously..

Ijalana later informed the critical stakeholders that he would be visiting the party Secretariat at Alagbaka ,Akure to pick his expression of interest and nomination forms the next day.

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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