Happy Birthday To A Prince Of Hope: A Legend In Our Rank


A few years ago , a baby boy ,a heir apparent was born into the Olayisade Royal Dynasty. As a wonderful lieutenant with uncommon cosmic and astral greatness, he was modelled and made in the monolithic royal furnace with an unpbringing so unique and rare in his period.

Today is the reminiscence of that special day and moment this royal gift and icon was birthed and given out to the entire human race.Prince Segun Olayisade , Wobolonbo, I say congratulations and happy birthday to you .

He was so privileged to be raised by great harbingers considering his tutelage as a child. Segun grew with hope but was greatly stepped in audacity because of the future that awaits him. He was born exceptionally into affluence but grew with opulence gauged by moral etiquettes and mannerisms that are needed to mould him into a digital leader with high cerebral ingenuity and native intelligence befitting a future king .

As a young man despite the barrier of distance and the wall of separation pegged by time and struggle for survival;to us , the sterling attributes and great traits seen and marked in his adolescence have today created a rainbow of influence in his world. His personal and public relations are indeed admirable as he is blessed with a gift of winning both friends and foes alike.

By fate ,away from his royal comfort , though a trained geologist ,was pushed intuitively into the financial world as an fine administrator and refined manager of men and materials. He excelled pretty well with swelled importance and reverence that only uncommon destiny could attract. This is his trademark and emblem for greatness and popularrity among families and friends.

Segun often calls Segee remains a darling to his people and great comrade to his friends across age divides. He is consistently honest, constantly loyal and faithfully dependable and reliable at all times. To all , he is very warm ,calm, cool, calculated and collected. To all his contemporaries,he is a bridge builder.

At home, he is both a caring father and lovely husband to his darling wife,a jewel of inestimable jewel of priceless worth.

Today, his investment in the entertainment by his event management is second to none. He has fully cut his teeth, and he has considerably managed the odds. He is never a disappointment and will never be a trouble shooter.

Knowing that you are a pride among your peers and a blessing to generations,our hearts rejoice with you as you add another year on the empyrean envelope and in your ethereal sojourn.  Considering your investment in humanity and your labour of love mercurially dispensed ,you have indeed etched your name on the golden door of history.

Posterity shall surely reward your labour of love!

This is our time to celebrate with you and our best ocassion to extol your rare virtues of integrity, character and humility. Congratulations once again dear Prince of Hope.

To our face of hope and acolyte of light ,we say many happy returns of the day while wishing you multiple blessing and fresh opportunities of a lifetime with a long and lasting life of peace and plenty.

Cheers and Shalom !


Hon. Nasirudeen I. Boboye- Ijawoye 
Fellow Geologist( Bamayi)

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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