Eyitayo Jegede Is Plus One: Happy Birthday Anniversary To A Giant, An Avatar~PDP Youth,Ondo North

To us a giant was born this day many years ago; for us a blessing is showered on mankind with your phenomenal birth.

Congratulations to you dear Colossus and Avatar . Happy birthday to a legend, the great man of the people. Age gracefully Sire !

The entire youths of Ondo North Senatorial District wish to use this rare opportunity of your season of celebration to felicitate with you and your family for your uncommon birthday and for doing us proud as a great leader of our great party in Ondo State.

We are extremely glad that you were firm in your resolve to help exhume our great party,the PDP from the political quagmire that threatened its foundation during Makarfi/Sheriff political imbroglios. You were extreme courageous and brave beyond our expectations as you legally and legitimately through the court of competence jurisdiction as the last hope of the common man fought tooth and nail to restore the punctured fame of our party and to reclaim her lost glories.

Consequently, your quality representation on the ballot as the PDP governorship candidate in 2016 and 2020 have indeed showcased your popularity and acceptability to the entire world that you are true leader with compassion and empathy.

Despite your loss at the poll recently, your fight using the court to restore your stolen mandate has equally revealed that you were robbed and our great party was ambushed. With your unshakeable faith in God Almighty and your struggle to enthrone justice and egalitarian society, you have indeed etched your names in fire brand on the golden door of history.

I therefore attest to your fineness as a great general with battalion. You are extremely simple but firm; greatly cosmopolitan but deep ; highly knowledge but with native intelligence; expensively meek but genuinely fearless; dependably reliable but very inclined, and devotedly committed to all great cause but never deceitful.

Your firm character, impeccable integrity and dignity of human person are sterling attributes epitomized by your leadership. You're always calm and collected, cool and unruffled , gentle with genteel disposition, well composed and comported , and with admirable and amiable frame- the first attraction to all.

We are satisfied with your sacrifice of steadfastness when we were left in the lurch; your encouragement when we were down and abandoned; your kind words of assurance when hope was dim ; and your support when we were weak.

We are pretty convinced and assured by the law of karma the great reward for your duty and devotion, service and commitment; sacrifice and pains will surely come very soon.

We join millions of your admirers and well-wishers to congratulate you once again. May God Almighty bless you abundantly and continue to make you the blessing to generations.

Once again,on behalf of our youths, I wish you long life and prosperity with wellness in peace and plenty. Many happy returns of the day to you ,our Avatar.


Hon. Nasirudeen I. Boboye-Ijawoye
(State Asst. Youth Leader (Senatorial Youth Leader)
Ondo North Senatorial District

Bob-The WordSmith

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