Pencil Oyo Signs Out from School Shortly After Close Shave With Death

At the former Ondo State Polytechnic now Rufus Giwa Polytechnic , Owo, the Emure-Ile born hypeman and comedian who doubles as former President of Emure-Ile Future Pride Forum ( Ankara Youths) , Comr Temitope Adubika signed out after completion of his Higher National Diploma Certificate in Civil Engineering Technology.

Last year , precisely on the 25th December, the dynamic, vibrant and talented young man popularly known as Pencil Oyoyo Tanimola was involved in a ghastly motor accident with other six young potentials shortly after  leaving Lolo Classic Motel, Emure-ile for Owo at a spot near Aratun Camp. Comr Da-Silver ,Comr. Oke (Biggy) and a young lady died on the spot while Pencil ,Adebowale and another unidentified young lady sustained varied degrees of injury.

Just after two months  after the accident , Oyoyo passed out in flying colours. While celebrating the sign-out groove with his contemporaries, Pencil was extremely happy but grateful for the gift of life as he mourned the death and wished the injured speedy recovery .

While responding to questions from Abejoye Media on how he felt about his graduation, he spoke with mixed feeling, " Honestly I'm glad and sorrowful at the same time. I lost my friends, brothers and comrades. May their souls rest peacefully. I wish those with health challenges owing to the road carnage a speedy recovery. In truth , I'm happy that I finished my academic pursuit here as he snapped into tears."

On how he now sees life as an individual,he pointedly told Abejoye Media, " My brother, this is a big but painful memories and experience for me. I have learned my lessons just the way others have learned from me. This shall be part of me ,as I will continue to live with the lessons already learnt. I thank you Sir and all other individuals and groups for their prayers, support, advice and guidance especially during my trying time. "

"For me, to God Almighty alone be the glory for sparing my life despite my inadequacies and obvious shortcomings", he finally submitted.

Everything is now set for him to pick up his call up letter pretty soon as he joins many others to participate in the compulsory one year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

In recent time , shortly after the road mishap, the popular  but latent potential who is one of the vibrant and progressive youths in Emure-Ile Kingdom in Owo LGA has taken a low profile as he is hardly seen in the public. When asked about this development, Pencil maintained," I'm a product of grace. We may be age mates but definitely we are not grace mates. This is the biggest lesson learned so far. So, in my hibernation, I'm trying to be more devoted to my Maker as my only way to express my gratitude to him."

Bob-The WordSmith

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