PDP Youth Felicitate With ShamRock On His Birthday Anniversary

We Celebrate Hon.Adeyeri , A progressive Youth Leader On His Natal Anniversary ~ _PDP Youth, Ondo North_

Our best wishes as you celebrate your birthday today for sound health and long life in prosperity. Our message is of solidarity and gratitude for your mercurial traits and selfless investment i n and comments to the largest party in Africa as a pragmatic and dynamic leader of the youths in the Owo LGA of Ondo North Senatorial District.

We are expressly impressed by your concerted efforts geared towards unrelenting enthusiastic mobilization of the youths to help increase the electoral fortune of our great party, the PDP at all times with with your hard- earned resources. Today you has added another phase to your mobilization strategy as you threw yourself into the competitive ring of political contest as an aspirant eyeing the Hallowed Chamber in the sunshine state as a legislator representing  Owo Constituency (I).

To the entire youths in Ondo State particularly in Ondo North, you're an unrepentant political crusader and a dogged fighter who is brave, bold,courageous and fearless. Your political figure having served various political party with unalloyed commitment, undivided loyalty and undiluted faithfulness in various capacities over time is desirable and eloquent. 

As a Youth Leader having served in the local government council as a Supervisor for Internationally Generated Revenues,your impeccable record of accountability and financial prudence is unblemished. This is pretty endearing and commendable..

It's our duty as youths to felicitate with you on this auspicious occasion of your celebration of your birth reminiscence. As such ,we appreciate God Almighty on your behalf and your parents especially your father of blessed memory for your rare tutelage and unprecedented upbringing.

From all of us youths in Ondo North Senatorial District ,we heartily congratulate you and pray God grant all your heart desires and bless you with multiple blessings.

Once again , happy birthday celebrations and we wish you happy many returns of the day..

Hip! Hip!! Hip !!! Hurray !!!!


 Hon. Nasirudeen I. Boboye- Ijawoye 

State Asst. /Senatorial Youth Leader

 Ondo North Senatorial District

Bob-The WordSmith

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