Ashami Meets With PDP Leaders In Owo; Solicits Their Support

It was a swelled time for  Hon. Samuel  Adeyeri popularly known as Ashami or Shamrock as he visited the PDP Leaders Council in the LGA to inform them of his House Assembly aspiration and to solicit for their support in the forthcoming primaries as an aspirant for the MHA seat in  Owo constituency (I).

The dynamic and vibrant LG Youth Leader who doubles as an aspirant was accompanied by some Ward Youth Leaders and his campaign media team led by the LG Publicity Secretary, Akogun Niyi Folahanmi and other members of our dear party who are his supporters.

The jubilation was phenomenal as he received a warmed welcome from the PDP hierachy who tentatively were invited as the full house is yet to be formed based on the recent resolutions made between the leaders and the Local Government Executive Committee members.

The leaders present expressed happiness to see a young and vibrant young man who has invested selflessly in the party and equally believed  would promote and raise bar for the PDP in the LGA particularly Owo  Constituency (I).

Hon Samuel Eniola Adeyeri (Ashami) appreciated the party leaders in his address and assured them that his ambition would bring dividends of democracy to the door steps of his constituents and the good people of Owo as it was borne out of his love for his constituents. He stressed further that he believed it's high time we changed the ugly scenario within the party and challenged the shenanigans wickedly pursued by the megalomaniacs in  power to reclaim our lost glory. "The time is now and we are sure victory at the poll won't elude us. Let us work together and remain resolute in our resolve to stop the APC machinery and return to the corridors of power."  

Hon. Eniola shortly after described himself as a pathfinder for the youths and a rallying point for all whose voice are not heard. He then beseeched  all party men and the leaders to queue behind his ambition so that our people would be free from the shackles of abject poverty, avoidable unemployment, low standard of living, inaccessibility by constituents amidst other teething challenges facing our people.

The leaders present under the watch of Hon. (Prince) Alaba-Lad Ojomo appreciated the fine democrat, astute politician and grassroots Mobilizer, Ashami who they described as a dogged fighter and unrepentant youth enthusiast for the recognition accorded the leaders in the local government area .They lauded him and appreciated some of his leadership attributes during his time as the Youth Leader of our dear party as he is currently serving in that same capacity.  The leaders unanimously wished him well in his ambition and also prayed for his success throughout the electioneering processes.

The aspirant to beat used the occasion to express his profound gratitude to the leaders for their show of love while pledging never to disappoint them if he is eventually favoured with their votes during the primary and the general poll.

Ashami Media Team

Shamrock 2023

Bob-The WordSmith

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