Happy Birthday To A Giant: The Profile Of A Colossus


Today is the day a legend was born. In his aura,twins are they that came as lietenants many year ago to add joy and glamour to the Agilagila Dynasty.

Congratulations to Alhaji Kehinde Lawal and his twin brother,Mr Taye Lawal. You are both  born with greatness and still you remain with greatness and influence as icons and enigmas.

Kehinde Lawal ,a very upright, disciplined and vertical muslim is constantly focused and highly determined to face life's vicissitudes with equanimity. He was born by one of the best hands that ever rocked the cradle as his upbringing was superb and whose tutelage was rocketed bu Islamic doctrinal practices and Owo/Yoruba Omoluabi ambience.

Today is the time to felicitate with you, and  celebrate you for your love and support for progressivism , virtues, humanity and human capital/community development. A hero you are considering your uncommon niche for due process and accountability no matter whose horse is gored.

Kehinde as is fondly called by his friends has been the President of Sofuratu-Llahi Muslim Society of Nigeria in Owo LGA. He has demonstrated great forthright and purposeful leadership as the leader of this forum of  muslim elites. He has been leading with impeccable clean record of meritorious service and accountable leadership. This is the exceptional criterion that has won him the emeritus president of the intellectual forum.

As businessman, K. Lawal is a jackal and workaholic. He has inherited a produce merchant DNA from his father -a legend, and by dint of hard work has also won for himself a name with gold as he tirelessly achieves greatness in the trade with his dynamic,  fast-growing company - O.K Traders. With his iconic gene also shared with his twin brother, the diversification of business interest has led to the wholesale supply of spaghettis and noodles in Owo LGA been the largest supplier. O.K Trader Store is indeed the haven of many business chains ranging from agricultural produce to foods and to export/import of goods and services.

Lawal is first a technocrat before been a politician with his articulate visions and great missions. He is highly cerebral with ingenuity ; greatly  visionary and never myopic. He is a leader with compassionate attributes who often sees tomorrow.. He is passionately selfless; very open and liberal; proportionately ambitious and inspiring;  and forthrightly and purposefully imbued in great leadership cocoon but never ever stupid and foolish. No doubt ,he is a leader that is born and a leader that earns recognition by his investment in humanity.

As a former Chairman of the People's Democratic Party, PDP in Owo LGA,he was exceptional humbled in office. Hon. Kehinde Lawal provided stable and reliable system that much later provided coercion despite the influx of ballooned mischiefs orchestrated by Gbasibe and Konigba metaphor.  Apparently his unshakeable faith in the leadership of the party and respect for due process and the right of individuals regardless of status and stature later won him the coveted position of the LG Caretaker Chairman.

On ocassion like this, one may be left with no option than to blow your trumpet Sire. In office as Caretaker Chairman, you demonstrated solidarity in leadership, openness in administration , humility in service, integrity in character, dignity of labour, and respect for humanity. To the very end, your administrative forthrightness, institutional discipline and firmness of character stood you out as one of the geat Chairmen the Council ever had.

We thank you sincerely for your spirit of cohesion, unity and cooperation which permeated your administration especially among our traditional rulers and critical stakeholders in the LGA. You have sustained this tempo with your evergreen support and involvement in Owo Kingdom Development Association, Owo Is One Movement and Owo High Hope Social Club among others on different pedestals. The Oneness of Owo LGA and the unity of the good people of the LGA has ever remained your cardinal objective.  

History has captured your selfless sacrifice; and posterity shall definitely reward you for your time and resources!

As a friend , you're understandingly kind, uninhibitedly supportive and inspiringly dependable; as a father your rare caring is contagious; as a husband ,you are the greatest dream of every reasonable woman.To all and sundry, you are selflessly unselfish and to the poor and the hopelessly downtrodden, you are both succour and hope . 

This is just my personal opinion as one of your numerous friends and confidants who understand you perfectly and believe in your ability to lead and be led when and where necessary. It's unequivocally  undeniable to applaud your cosmopolitan views and dynamic approaches to issue of community and national Interests. With your incurable enthusiasm to help enthrone an egalitarian society,it is save to describe you as an Avatar.

From personal retrospect, I can say convincingly that your genteel disposition to life generally has indeed further fortify your aura and forge your personality beyond the ordinary. You're perennially imbued with undiluted loyalty and unhindered total faithfulness to all cardinal cause that calls for multiplicity of duty, firmness , solidarity and triumph.

Your positive investment in us has indeed ,with the assistance of those of too many others, helped our dreams and aspirations as your followers.Your passion for youth development as an enthusiast is second to none! 

For our platform,The Democracy Promoters( TDP),your singular efforts has indeed remained the crucible from where the tempo of Politics and Democracy as the political evangelism for the PDP sprouted in 2015.. Thank you Sir for your help so treasured !

As you celebrate your birthday anniversary,I appreciate you for your calmness in the face of challenges; your collectedness in the face of despair;and the coolness that often predates all emergency, urgency and  spontaneous events.In hospitality and industry, your legendary niche is uncommon ; and for your humanitarian gestures,you have written you name with branded letter of fire on the golden door of history.  

Once again congratulations. May you live with great purpose and be blessed the more by your Creator to further positively affect generations.

Many happy returns of the day. 


Hon. Nasirudeen I. Boboye-Ijawoye

Bob-The WordSmith

I'm very passionate about humanity. I want to change myself positively so as to change my world. First-hand , quality and timely information is the key to creating a new but working social order!

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